GetApp Reviews API


This API endpoint allows you to retrieve reviews from GetApp. Here are some important things to know:

  • The GetApp API returns 25 reviews per request.
  • The order in which reviews are returned is by descending date(from newest to oldest).
  • You can get all reviews from a single place by using the offset parameter.




Parameter Required Description Example
auth_token Required Your API token for authentication. Once you register to Wextractor you can extract this key from your account's setting page. -
id Required A textual identifier that uniquely identifies an app in GetApp. This identifier is the full url of the app in GetApp.
offset Optional This parameter defines the result offset. It skips the given number of reviews. It's used for pagination. (e.g., 0 (default) is the first page of results, 10 is the 2nd page of results, 20 is the 3rd page of results, etc.). 10

Example Request

Example Response

  "totals": {
    "review_count": 23138,
    "average_rating": "4.66"
  "details": {
    "logo": "",
    "title": "Slack"
  "reviews": [
      "id": "9423744",
      "title": "Promotes team work in the remote setting",
      "datetime": "2023-11-28T00:00:00",
      "text": null,
      "pros": "I use Slack daily to communicate with other members of my team at the company. I love that I get notifications on my laptop and my phone so I don't miss them. I love that you can attach pictures and videos. Being able to reply in a separate thread is great for keeping all notes on one topic in the same place. Huddle feature for video meeting is also pretty great!",
      "cons": "So far I don't have any concerns or complaints with Slack. It seems to be able to do all of the things that I would want it to.",
      "reviewer": "Erin H.",
      "reviewer_avatar": "",
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "0",
      "rating_features": "5",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "0",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "9"
      "id": "9423365",
      "title": "Teamwork auf einem neuen Level: Warum ich Slack uneingeschr\u00e4nkt empfehle",
      "datetime": "2023-11-28T00:00:00",
      "text": "Im Gro\u00dfen und Ganzen bietet Slack eine beeindruckende Plattform f\u00fcr teamorientierte Kommunikation, die durch ihre Benutzerfreundlichkeit und vielf\u00e4ltigen Funktionen \u00fcberzeugt. Die intuitive Oberfl\u00e4che, die strukturierte Kanalorganisation und die nahtlose Integration von Dateien und Apps tragen dazu bei, dass Slack zu einer effizienten und angenehmen Arbeitsumgebung beitr\u00e4gt.",
      "pros": "Mir gef\u00e4llt bei Slack die intuitive Benutzeroberfl\u00e4che. Das macht es einfach mit Kunden und Kollegen zusammen zu arbeiten. Des Weiteren sch\u00e4tze ich es sehr, dass man in verschiedenen Kan\u00e4len chatten kann und sowie Apps und Dateien nahtlose in Slack integrieren kann.",
      "cons": "Die Informationsflut in Slack kann manchmal eine gro\u00dfe Herausforderung sein und somit schnell mal Nachrichten \u00fcbersehen werden. Ein Kritikpunkt w\u00e4ren die Kosten. Einige Funktionen sind nur in kostenpflichtigen Pl\u00e4nen enthalten, was kleinere Teams oder Unternehmen m\u00f6glicherweise einschr\u00e4nkt.",
      "reviewer": "Anonymous Reviewer",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "5",
      "rating_features": "4",
      "rating_ease": "4",
      "rating_support": "0",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "8"
      "id": "9419686",
      "title": "Avec Slack, g\u00e9rez et oganisez votre entreprise comme un professionnel !!",
      "datetime": "2023-11-22T00:00:00",
      "text": "J\u2019ai utilis\u00e9e Slack lors de mon stage en entreprise,  et c\u2019est vraiment un logiciel que je recommande ",
      "pros": "Slack facilite la communication en temps r\u00e9el entre les \u00e9quipes gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 ses fonctionnalit\u00e9s de messagerie instantan\u00e9e, de partage de fichiers et d'int\u00e9gration avec d'autres outils.",
      "cons": "La facilit\u00e9 de distraction due \u00e0 la multiplication des notifications est vraiment un inconv\u00e9nient du logiciel Slack.",
      "reviewer": "Koffi Ange T.",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "3",
      "rating_value": "0",
      "rating_features": "3",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "0",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "9"
      "id": "9421885",
      "title": " Exploring Slack's Features and Functionality",
      "datetime": "2023-11-21T00:00:00",
      "text": "I really enjoyed working with slack as I was a mentor its made it easy for me to communicate  and distribute information to my mentees . It made it easy for me to have conversations with people outside my country and outside my province as well.",
      "pros": "The ability to organize conversations into specific channels based on teams, projects, or topics helps keep discussions focused and easily accessible. The platform facilitates real-time messaging, ensuring that team members can engage in quick, dynamic discussions and receive instant feedback.",
      "cons": "For new users, navigating through various features and understanding the platform's full potential might require a learning curve.\nThe constant stream of notifications, especially in active channels, can sometimes become overwhelming.",
      "reviewer": "NOMPILO M.",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "5",
      "rating_features": "5",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "0",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "10"
      "id": "9419707",
      "title": "Best messaging app for business ",
      "datetime": "2023-11-17T00:00:00",
      "text": null,
      "pros": "The thing that i like the most about slack is it's features for sending messages.",
      "cons": "The thing i like least about slack is that it is slightly costlier than other platforms.",
      "reviewer": "Ramandeep s.",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "3",
      "rating_features": "3",
      "rating_ease": "4",
      "rating_support": "4",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "10"
      "id": "9412544",
      "title": "Best Comms app to use",
      "datetime": "2023-11-16T00:00:00",
      "text": "Best use to contact on shore people, other people if we needed help",
      "pros": "Easy to use, easy to navigate and easy to create new window",
      "cons": "None so far, it was Easy to use, easy to navigate and easy to create new window",
      "reviewer": "Christian N.",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "5",
      "rating_features": "5",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "5",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "9"
      "id": "9412633",
      "title": "my reveiw korey levey",
      "datetime": "2023-11-15T00:00:00",
      "text": null,
      "pros": "I like everything from how easy it is to use to the asses abilities features.I ",
      "cons": "I did not hate anything about slack everything was easy to use.",
      "reviewer": "Korey L.",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "5",
      "rating_features": "5",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "5",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "10"
      "id": "9413533",
      "title": "Slack for team communication",
      "datetime": "2023-11-13T00:00:00",
      "text": "Overall experience with Slack is absolutely positive. I will continue using Slack in the future. ",
      "pros": "I use Slack for daily communication. It became a crucial app for the remote jobs and plays important role in the industry. Among advantages, I would say easy and functional interface, very intuitive.",
      "cons": "I don't have any negative experiences with Slack.",
      "reviewer": "Anonymous Reviewer",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "0",
      "rating_features": "5",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "0",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "10"
      "id": "9411951",
      "title": "Slack Review",
      "datetime": "2023-11-13T00:00:00",
      "text": null,
      "pros": "Overall, this is really a great and wonderful tool! ",
      "cons": "Everything is good. I have not tried other features but will provide updates on my feedback once I am able to use the other features of Slack. ",
      "reviewer": "Johnrey B.",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "0",
      "rating_features": "5",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "0",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "10"
      "id": "9416411",
      "title": "My review on Slacks",
      "datetime": "2023-11-13T00:00:00",
      "text": "So far, it was a nice experience using the Slacks app. Makes work easier and so useful.",
      "pros": "Using @mention I can easily check the messages and important feedback or important messages about work that needs to be done and also to some changes that our superior mention about the says job.",
      "cons": "When it's not updated and also when you are experiencing downtime, I cannot read the messages quickly.",
      "reviewer": "Alyssa D.",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "3",
      "rating_features": "4",
      "rating_ease": "3",
      "rating_support": "5",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "9"
      "id": "9408170",
      "title": "I LOVE Threads and Apps. Slackbot is my new best friend",
      "datetime": "2023-11-12T00:00:00",
      "text": "Overall, absolutely love it. I have always been a preacher of adopting Slack at workplace",
      "pros": "I love the threads - they way collaborative messaging is arranged. Easy to manage and track in the future. I also love apps and slack bot to automate some stuff and communications",
      "cons": "I feel it is a bit pricey for smaller size teams.",
      "reviewer": "Anonymous Reviewer",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "5",
      "rating_features": "5",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "0",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "10"
      "id": "9408328",
      "title": "An amazing tool for internal communication ",
      "datetime": "2023-11-10T00:00:00",
      "text": null,
      "pros": "Easy to form sub groups and it's compatibility with Outlook",
      "cons": "File sharing can be made better by allowing copy paste feature",
      "reviewer": "Anonymous Reviewer",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "5",
      "rating_features": "4",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "0",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "9"
      "id": "9406315",
      "title": "Slack Review",
      "datetime": "2023-11-09T00:00:00",
      "text": null,
      "pros": "Great at real-time communication and great at group messaging and creating channels",
      "cons": "Weak on push notifications and ineffective on communication other than messaging",
      "reviewer": "Meliksah B.",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "4",
      "rating_value": "0",
      "rating_features": "3",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "0",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "9"
      "id": "9406991",
      "title": "Communication app",
      "datetime": "2023-11-07T00:00:00",
      "text": null,
      "pros": "It helps keep all workers at one place online, send and receive real time information. ",
      "cons": "At one point in time, slack was down so all workers were moved to Gogle Chat for 1 day.",
      "reviewer": "Franklyn F.",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "4",
      "rating_value": "3",
      "rating_features": "4",
      "rating_ease": "3",
      "rating_support": "0",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "8"
      "id": "9407682",
      "title": "Great collaboration platform ",
      "datetime": "2023-11-06T00:00:00",
      "text": "Slack seems to been the best collaboration currently available",
      "pros": "Simple to install, setup, and use for an organization of any size. They continue to enhance and improve. The search capability is very slick and the option to save a message for quick find later is great. Easy to organize channels and direct messages into groups. Has a lot of add ons which help integrate with other tools within a work environment. Great documentation and community support. \n\nEase of management is a highly desired feature, which slack provides. Collaboration options like audio/video calls, file sharing, screen sharing, ability to select which screen/desktop to share, and group calls are amazing features which work really well",
      "cons": "Nothing that stands out other than occasional bugs which get addressed soon. Some apps send notifications even after they are muted. ",
      "reviewer": "Lina T.",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "5",
      "rating_features": "5",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "0",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "10"
      "id": "9408607",
      "title": "Connecting genius minds",
      "datetime": "2023-11-05T00:00:00",
      "text": "It gives the freedom to access the full workflow LinkedIn to git, jira, and all Southern integrated application with this and this is a good solution to create an environment for the tech guys to connect.",
      "pros": "As a guy from the tech field, I'm using Slack as a part of my daily schedule, so it is very easy to use and offers many features by which we can integrate and implement many supporting softwares it like Jira and Bitbucket. It offers is transparency with our clients and allow us to give a total freedom to see the complete workflow of our tasks. While installing I get trouble so I get help from customer support and they help me in a very good Manner",
      "cons": "As per the frequency, I use it in day-to-day life, it is an important thing but it offers 3-month chat access if you are on access free, and pricing of this is quite high.",
      "reviewer": "karun g.",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "4",
      "rating_value": "4",
      "rating_features": "5",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "4",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "10"
      "id": "9412903",
      "title": "Best for internal communication ",
      "datetime": "2023-11-03T00:00:00",
      "text": "For my overall experience it's really great. It's effective and efficient to use. Highly recommended.",
      "pros": "What I like the most about this software is that we can use if for work, for internal communication and you can actually connect to others who work in your company, we can create a community for working purposes.",
      "cons": "I really don't have any issues regarding slack because since I work we really use it already and so far it's really good.",
      "reviewer": "Ronalen V.",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "5",
      "rating_features": "5",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "5",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "10"
      "id": "9400419",
      "title": "Slack",
      "datetime": "2023-10-30T00:00:00",
      "text": "Slack is an app for team collaboration and group chat that tries to make business communication easier. Open dialogues, private groups, direct messaging, message archiving, deep contextual search, and file sharing are among the features.",
      "pros": "The company allows you to establish \"channels.\" Slack channels containing all of the colleagues working on a certain client project, for instance, can be created for each client. It facilitates real-time sharing and collaboration with ease. This works well when you have a deadline and need an answer right away.",
      "cons": "Minimum file storage is available. It can be inconvenient to send files via Slack rather than email because Slack gradually removes files and you only receive as much storage as your business chooses to pay for.  ",
      "reviewer": "Destiny B.",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "5",
      "rating_features": "5",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "5",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "10"
      "id": "9399971",
      "title": "Logiciel de rassemblement ",
      "datetime": "2023-10-28T00:00:00",
      "text": null,
      "pros": "Ce logiciel vous permet de cr\u00e9er des formulaires de demande ",
      "cons": "Depuis que j'utilise ce logiciel je ne lui ai encore trouv\u00e9 rien de compromettant ",
      "reviewer": "Eunice Merveille D.",
      "reviewer_avatar": "",
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "0",
      "rating_features": "5",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "0",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "5"
      "id": "9395663",
      "title": "Slack : Collaborer, communiquer ",
      "datetime": "2023-10-25T00:00:00",
      "text": null,
      "pros": "Parmi tant d'autres applications que nous utilisons quotidiennement, Slack est d'une sp\u00e9cialit\u00e9 extraordinaire. Il offre une vari\u00e9t\u00e9 de fonctionnalit\u00e9s tout en aidant des \u00e9quipes \u00e0 rester organiser, il m'a permis de collaborer tout en rassemblant mon \u00e9quipe en un seul endroit afin de communiquer et travailler efficacement.",
      "cons": "Le co\u00fbt de Slack doit \u00eatre revu \u00e0 la baisse, chat parfois envahissant.",
      "reviewer": "Raymond H.",
      "reviewer_avatar": "",
      "rating": "4",
      "rating_value": "3",
      "rating_features": "4",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "4",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "8"
      "id": "9398348",
      "title": "Great tool for home office wrok mode",
      "datetime": "2023-10-24T00:00:00",
      "text": null,
      "pros": "QuicknessEase of useFunctionalitiesIntegrations with other softwareMobile access",
      "cons": "Sometimes push notifications about messages are delayed",
      "reviewer": "Maciej W.",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "5",
      "rating_features": "4",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "5",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "9"
      "id": "9394662",
      "title": "Great Internal Messenger",
      "datetime": "2023-10-23T00:00:00",
      "text": null,
      "pros": "Chats, connecitivity intergrations, huddles. Call quality and ability to draw.",
      "cons": "Annyoing intergrated apps reappering that you personally do not use.",
      "reviewer": "Nikita V.",
      "reviewer_avatar": "",
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "4",
      "rating_features": "4",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "0",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "7"
      "id": "9394990",
      "title": "Great for team communication but I assume much more as well",
      "datetime": "2023-10-22T00:00:00",
      "text": "Slack is great for what I use it for but I wish I was more familiar with all the features.",
      "pros": "I mainly use the chat feature as a way to communicate with my collegues. Chat threading is very effective.",
      "cons": "I find video/calls slower then dedicated services.",
      "reviewer": "Anonymous Reviewer",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "0",
      "rating_features": "4",
      "rating_ease": "4",
      "rating_support": "0",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "9"
      "id": "9391467",
      "title": "Logiciels d'enregistrement d'\u00e9cran ",
      "datetime": "2023-10-18T00:00:00",
      "text": null,
      "pros": "Ce logiciel est tr\u00e8s bon \u00e0 utiliser et qui permet facilement d'enregistrer l'\u00e9cran suivi d'une formation en direct ",
      "cons": "La version gratuite a de limite dans ce logiciel car il n'enregistre pas les informations dont on a besoin ",
      "reviewer": "Anonymous Reviewer",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "5",
      "rating_value": "5",
      "rating_features": "5",
      "rating_ease": "5",
      "rating_support": "5",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "9"
      "id": "9389897",
      "title": "Mon Avis sur Slack",
      "datetime": "2023-10-17T00:00:00",
      "text": "Je suis globalement satisfait de cette application et je le recommande vivement",
      "pros": "- Partage de fichier - Interface utilisateur tr\u00e8s jolie avec de belle couleur-  Messagerie instantan\u00e9e fluide - Notification bien  ",
      "cons": "Une multitude de Chanel peuvent nous faire perdre le fil dans une discutions ou plusieurs si par malheur, on se d\u00e9connecte compl\u00e8tement et qu'en se reconnectant tous les Chanel ont beaucoup convers\u00e9 en votre absence",
      "reviewer": "Anonymous Reviewer",
      "reviewer_avatar": null,
      "rating": "4",
      "rating_value": "0",
      "rating_features": "4",
      "rating_ease": "4",
      "rating_support": "3",
      "likelihood_to_recommend": "9"

Error Codes

Status Code Error Type Description
400 InvalidRequest The request parameters are invalid or missing
401 Unauthorized Invalid or missing API key
403 Forbidden Your account is out of credits
429 RateLimitExceeded You've exceeded the API rate limit(10 requests per second)
500 ServerError An unexpected error occurred on our servers. In these cases we recommend to retry the request for a couple of times. If the error subsists you can reach us to open a ticket.